Wednesday, May 04, 2005

What a day!

Yesterday is what people can call a power packed day. When i got up at sunrise (at about 0520!), the first time in 21st century perhaps - little did i know, that it would be a full 20 hour day!

But good things happen on days like these as well. I met Vinodh & Krithika, my classmates who got married last year. This is the snap taken last year in their wedding reception.

A great couple to be with, Vinodh was our class rep in college and is the moderator of our egroups - SAIDREAMS. It was fun meeting them after a long time. While i usually enjoy taking my car out for a drive, i must admit that the drive from Pallavaram to Pammal (a distance of about 1.8 Kms) reminded me of crazy Jamshedpur. Buffalos & Cows on the street, water logged roads (it rained yesterday in Chennai!), cyclists trying to race against time, uncooperative autorickshaws, pothole galore, speedbreakers every 10 yards, you name it & the place got it.

Made it across from netherworld roads to civilized nation in 20 mins each way & guess, i am happy that i have all my bones intact and my car has all its parts!

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